Tuesday, March 20, 2012

After The Squeeze Page- How To Build Your List_66449

You have now started to build your list from your squeeze page. From that squeeze page you gave your followers a high value free report or free ebook, something that they perceived as having value.

The next step is to build a relationship with your followers so that they learn to trust you. They know that you have given them value in the first place, now it is up to you to keep giving them value. They will then see you as trustworthy and will start to buy your products.

How are you going to market your products to that list?

The secret to marketing to your list is knowing the processes that are involved. Let me give you a simple way to look at getting your followers to trust you.

Your prospects are swimming in the ocean for anyone to cast their baited line out and catch. For you to catch these fish and put into your lake, your bait needs to be of a higher value than the other fishermen.

Once your fish are caught and placed in your lake, you then email your prospects and offer them more free high value products. In your email you say something like:

"Hi ... (use their name), I know you're interested in .... I am not going to try and sell you something today. All I want to do is give you some free stuff. Here's a great ... on ... Hope you enjoy it."

You are actually asking them for their permission to later on try and sell them something. This is known as permission based marketing.

Your prospect thinks yes this is good stuff I'm getting here and eventually they will say "You know I like this person, OK I give you permission to send me an email asking me to buy. In the beginning I wouldn't have given you permission but now that you have proven yourself to me I will let you try and sell to me.

And that is where your sale is made.  

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