Tuesday, December 4, 2012

  suggested Mr Bhaer

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  suggested Mr Bhaer.

  'Killed one of the horses,' cried Ted, eager for bloodshed of somesort.

  'No; but we bled one of them. See, just here; filled a tin cup, putsome wild sage leaves in it, with water, and heated it over a fire ofsticks. It was good, and we slept well.'

  'I guess Octoo didn't.' And Josie patted the animal, with a face fullof sympathy.

  'Never minded it a bit. Black Hawk said we could live on the horsesseveral days and still travel before they felt it. But by anothermorning we found the buffalo, and I shot the one whose head is in mybox, ready to hang up and scare brats into fits. He's a fierce oldfellow, you bet.'

  'What is this strap for?' asked Ted, who was busily examining theIndian saddle, the single rein and snaffle, with lariat, and roundthe neck the leather band he spoke of.

  'We hold on to that when we lie along the horse's flank farthest fromthe enemy,ugg bailey button triplet 1873 boots, and fire under the neck as we gallop round and round. I'llshow you.' And springing into the saddle, Dan was off down the steps,tearing over the lawn at a great pace, sometimes on Octoo's back,sometimes half hidden as he hung by stirrup and strap, and sometimesoff altogether, running beside her as she loped along, enjoying thefun immensely; while Don raced after, in a canine rapture at beingfree again and with his mates.

  It was a fine sight--the three wild things at play, so full ofvigour,fake montblanc pens, grace, and freedom, that for the moment the smooth lawnseemed a prairie; and the spectators felt as if this glimpse ofanother life made their own seem rather tame and colourless.

  'This is better than a circus!' cried Mrs Jo, wishing she were a girlagain, that she might take a gallop on this chained lightning of ahorse. 'I foresee that Nan will have her hands full setting bones,for Ted will break every one of his trying to rival Dan.'

  'A few falls will not harm, and this new care and pleasure will begood for him in all ways. But I fear Dan will never follow a ploughafter riding a Pegasus like that,' answered Mr Bhaer, as the blackmare leaped the gate and came flying up the avenue, to stop at a wordand stand quivering with excitement, while Dan swung himself off andlooked up for applause.

  He received plenty of it, and seemed more pleased for his pet's sakethan for his own. Ted clamoured for a lesson at once, and was soon atease in the queer saddle, finding Octoo gentle as a lamb, as hetrotted away to show off at college. Bess came hastening down thehill, having seen the race from afar; and all collected on the piazzawhile Dan 'yanked' the cover off the big box the express had 'dumped'

  before the door--to borrow his own words.

  Dan usually travelled in light marching order, and hated to have moreluggage than he could carry in his well-worn valise,mont blanc pens. But now that hehad a little money of his own, he had cumbered himself with acollection of trophies won by his bow and spear, and brought themhome to bestow upon his friends.

  'We shall be devoured with moths,' thought Mrs Jo, as the shaggy headappeared, followed by a wolf-skin rug for her feet, a bear-skin dittofor the Professor's study, and Indian garments bedecked with foxes'

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