Friday, September 28, 2012

louis vuitoon Your Life Saver In 2012- Know All About The Mayan Calendar_3631

If speculators are to be believed, we are already counting the days to the end of the world as we know it. Many believe that the year 2012 will be the end for mankind. In fact, this notion is so popular that it has spun a lot of doomsday movies and television series as well as a couple of books, magazines and more. People are so convinced of this that in fact the many natural disasters that we are experiencing now, they attribute to the end of the world or as some sort of sign of the world ending. Before you start believing all these doomsday predictions though, you should find out how all these theories came about. And if you have to know,nike shox torch ii, all these are rooted in the Mayan calendar.

What is the Mayan calendar? Is it different from our modern calendar now? What is its relation to all these doomsday predictions? These are probably some of the questions that you have now which I'll seek to answer.

The Mayan calendar is a method of telling time for the Maya - a great pre-american civilization that had an advanced system of astronomy, mathematics,fake rolex watches, agriculture and even architecture. The Mayan people however had a different calendar compared to ours. If our calendar now is made up of days, weeks and years and basically has a cycle of 365 days, the mayan calendar is different in such a way that it is cyclical. They do have some sort of equivalent to our weeks and months and years but for them, the end of a calendar which comprises of 5,000+ years is equivalent to the end of an age. It just so happens that according to the Mayan calendar, that end of time will happen on December 21,nike shox torch ii white sliver, 2012.

Does this mean that end of the world theories are grounded? Is the end of the world really going to happen next year? These questions are valid questions now that you know about the Mayan calendar. However, you have to be objective and logical about this as well. You have to know more about the Mayan before you judge if indeed the world is going to end next year.

For the Mayan, the end of an age is basically the same as the "end of the world as we know it." However, they do not claim some doomsday event to happen on that day and instead of something bad or disastrous, the Mayan even believed that the end of an age signals the coming of a better age. In fact, they think that it's a joyous moment to witness the end of an age. You can choose to believe it or not but before you get carried away by some end of the world notion, better do your research first before you decide to.


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