Thursday, September 27, 2012

lv wallets Winner & Associates started offering its communication consulting services to political c

Winner & Associates started offering its communication consulting services to political campaigns in 1975. More than 30 years later, the firm uses these formative experiences to help organizations in a variety of industries create the image management and communication campaigns that they need to reach their business goals.

Defining Business Goals

Winner & Associates focuses on verifiable results and independent research. Doing this requires working with each client to create a unique list of clearly defined business goals. This helps the firm design campaigns that focus on specific achievements.


Research is the cornerstone of Winner & Associates?approach to building successful campaigns. As a part of the Publicis Campaign Network, Winner & Associates has access to the most recent research on target audiences around the world. This research takes the guesswork out of effective communications by supplying reliable information about media formats, messengers, and campaign strategies that will influence a target audience.

Communication Products

Winner & Associates commands the use of multiple media formats so they can reach nearly any target audience with influential messages. Some of the communication products offered by Winner & Associates include

?Hour-long documentaries and 30-second television spots

?Radio ads

?Print ads and informative brochures

?Web sites with new media applications

Using several types of media formats in a campaign can create a synergistic effect that influences target audiences with video, print, radio, and web sites. The focus of a campaign primarily depends on the target audience�s response to different formats. Winner & Associates has experiences with many formats to ensure they can create campaigns that target many different types of demographics.

A Cold Eyes Approach

Identifying potential communication barriers makes it easier for organizations to anticipate problems before they have a significant impact, so Winner & Associates uses a cold eyes approach to each project that allows them to use multiple perspectives to create effective campaigns that circumnavigate or overcome potential barriers with persuasive messages.

Choosing Campaigns

Winner & Associates is a full-service firm, which means they offer variety of services that organizations might need for their communication and image management campaigns. Some of the services offered by Winner & Associates?staff of professionals include


?Public awareness

?Image and crisis management

?Litigation support


?Public affairs and relations

?Issue and image advertising

?Crisis prevention

?Strategic planning

The firm creates multiple campaign proposals for each client to make sure specific needs are met. These proposals include projected timelines and budgets to help clients decide which campaign fits into their plans best.

Verifying Results

Research does not end immediately after a communication campaign has been designed. Winner & Associates continues gathering information from targeted audiences to determine campaign effectiveness. This is done by using opinion polls, interviews, and documents that identify ways that a target audience�s perspective has been influenced by the campaign.

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