Tuesday, October 9, 2012

coach outlet factory Without That Second Opinion, I Would Be A Cripple Today_28343

Two years ago I accidentally fell down a flight of stairs and slammed into the corner of a heavy table with the upper portion of my right knee. I was to find that the excruciating pain I felt was the result of severing my quads. My upper leg was disconnected from my lower leg leaving me with no control over the movements of my right leg.

My orthopedic surgeon explained that the quicker I have it repaired the better my chances are for a full recovery. I had about 30 days at most to have it repaired or the surgery might not take hold.

Having had a stent inserted in my heart for a blocked artery, I needed a cardiology release to proceed with the operation. My last stress test was 16 months earlier and before a release could be given I needed to take a new stress test. I made the appointment and arrived at the cardiologist
8:30 AM to take a routine stress test.

The cardiologist who I like and use was operating at a nearby hospital and one of his associates who I did not know would read the results of my stress test and give me the release. The stress
test went well but the sonogram of my heart did not.

I found out about the sonogram results in an illegal and demeaning way. Sitting in the waiting room
with other patients, the associate cardiologist sat down besides me and said in normal voice ?You have a blocked aortic valve and it needs to be replaced. If you had a bad car valve you would replace it.?Got up and walked away. What I heard was �I can't fix my knee and I will be a cripple
for the rest of my life? HIPAA laws make it illegal to discuss your medical condition in front of strangers.

Later in his office the associate recommended the hospital he worked at before joining this 8 man respected cardiology practice. I explained that a close friend of mine had died after an angioplasty at that hospital and I would never go there. He knew that would be my response
before he recommended his old hospital having called my wife and receiving the same information from her. He remarked �every body dies?

I told him I wanted to speak with my regular cardiologist. He balked but after repeated requests he called the hospital, found out the operation was over. While waiting for my cardiologist to come to the phone he said �when we open you up if needed we will do a bypass? I just had a negative stress test, the chances of needing a bypass were very slim at best. He also stated that he was 95% sure I needed the aortic valve replacement. Nothing was ever said about my leg. Nothing
was ever said showing any compassion even though I was sitting in his office with crutches nearby.

My regular cardiologist suggested we do an angiogram and see if I need the aortic valve replaced.

The angiogram showed that I was not a candidate for valve replacement and the thoracic surgeon agreed. It was great news when my regular cardiologist said �go have your knee repaired?

I did and am walking. It�s been almost two years since this incident. Having just passed another stress test I still do not need the aortic valve replaced. I will sometime in the future. I never speak to that associate cardiologist and never allow him to check any of my tests.

Without that second opinion I would be a cripple today.


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