Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Alec took her aboard the ship

  Dr. Alec took her aboard the ship, and she had the satisfaction ofpoking her inquisitive little nose into every available corner, at therisk of being crushed, lost, or drowned.
  "Well, child, how would you like to take a voyage round the worldwith me in a jolly old craft like this?" asked her uncle, as theyrested a minute in the captain's cabin.
  "I should like to see the world, but not in such a small, untidy,replica montblanc pens,smelly place as this. We would go in a yacht all clean andcomfortable; Charlie says that is the proper way," answered Rose,surveying the close quarters with little favour.
  "You are not a true Campbell if you don't like the smell of tar andsalt-water, nor Charlie either, with his luxurious yacht. Now comeashore and chin-chin with the Celestials."After a delightful progress through the great warehouse, peepingand picking as they went, they found Uncle Mac and the yellowgentlemen in his private room, where samples, gifts,replica louis vuitton handbags, curiosities,homepage,and newly arrived treasures of all sorts were piled up in pleasingpro-fusion and con-fusion.
  As soon as possible Rose retired to a corner, with a porcelain godon one side, a green dragon on the other, and, what was still moreembarrassing, Fun See sat on a tea-chest in front, and stared at herwith his beady black eyes till she did not know where to look.
  Mr. Whang Lo was an elderly gentleman in American costume,with his pig-tail neatly wound round his head. He spoke English,and was talking busily with Uncle Mac in the most commonplaceway so Rose considered him a failure. But Fun See wasdelightfully Chinese from his junk-like shoes to the button on hispagoda hat; for he had got himself up in style, and was a mass ofsilk jackets and slouchy trousers. He was short and fat, andwaddled comically; his eyes were very "slanting," as Rose said; hisqueue was long, so were his nails; his yellow face was plump andshiny, and he was altogether a highly satisfactory Chinaman.
  Uncle Alec told her that Fun See had come out to be educated andcould only speak a little pigeon English; so she must be kind to thepoor fellow, for he was only a lad, though he looked nearly as oldas Mr. Whang Lo. Rose said she would be kind; but had not theleast idea how to entertain the queer guest, who looked as if he hadwalked out of one of the rice-paper landscapes on the wall, and satnodding at her so like a toy Mandarin that she could hardly keepsober.
  In the midst of her polite perplexity, Uncle Mac saw the two youngpeople gazing wistfully at one another, and seemed to enjoy thejoke of this making acquaintance under difficulties. Taking a boxfrom his table,Replica Designer Handbags, he gave it to Fun See, with an order that seemed toplease him very much.
  Descending from his perch, he fell to unpacking it with greatneatness and despatch, while Rose watched him, wondering whatwas going to happen. Presently, out from the wrappings came ateapot, which caused her to clasp her hands with delight, for it wasmade in the likeness of a plump little Chinaman. His hat was thecover, his queue the handle, and his pipe the nose. It stood uponfeet in shoes turned up at the toes, and the smile on the fat, sleepyface was so like that on Fun's when he displayed the teapot, thatRose couldn't help laughing, which pleased him much.

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