Wednesday, November 21, 2012

  Don't you think you could be contented any way

  "Don't you think you could be contented any way, Christie, ef I makethe work lighter, and leave you more time for your books andthings?" asked the old lady, loth to lose the one youthful elementin her quiet life.

  "No, ma'am,Discount UGG Boots, for I can't find what I want here," was the decidedanswer.

  "What do you want, child?""Look in the fire, and I'll try to show you."The old lady obediently turned her spectacles that way; and Christiesaid in a tone half serious, half playful:

  "Do you see those two logs? Well that one smouldering dismally awayin the corner is what my life is now; the other blazing and singingis what I want my life to be.""Bless me, what an idee! They are both a-burnin' where they are put,and both will be ashes to-morrow; so what difference doos it make?"Christie smiled at the literal old lady; but, following the fancythat pleased her, she added earnestly:

  "I know the end is the same; but it does make a difference how theyturn to ashes, and how I spend my life. That log, with its one dullspot of fire, gives neither light nor warmth, but lies sizzlingdespondently among the cinders. But the other glows from end to endwith cheerful little flames that go singing up the chimney with apleasant sound. Its light fills the room and shines out into thedark; its warmth draws us nearer, making the hearth the cosiestplace in the house,LINK, and we shall all miss the friendly blaze when itdies. Yes," she added, as if to herself, "I hope my life may be likethat, so that, whether it be long or short, it will be useful andcheerful while it lasts, will be missed when it ends, and leavesomething behind besides ashes."Though she only half understood them, the girl's words touched thekind old lady, and made her look anxiously at the eager young facegazing so wistfully into the fire.

  "A good smart blowin' up with the belluses would make the greenstick burn most as well as the dry one after a spell. I guesscontentedness is the best bellus for young folks, ef they would onlythink so.""I dare say you are right, Aunty; but I want to try for myself; andif I fail, I'll come back and follow your advice. Young folks alwayshave discontented fits, you know. Didn't you when you were a girl?""Shouldn't wonder ef I did; but Enos came along, and I forgot 'em.""My Enos has not come along yet, and never may; so I'm not going tosit and wait for any man to give me independence, if I can earn itfor myself." And a quick glance at the gruff, gray old man in thecorner plainly betrayed that, in Christie's opinion, Aunt Betseymade a bad bargain when she exchanged her girlish aspirations for aman whose soul was in his pocket.

  "Jest like her mother, full of hifalutin notions,moncler jackets women, discontented, andsot in her own idees,fake montblanc pens. Poor capital to start a fortin' on."Christie's eye met that of her uncle peering over the top of hispaper with an expression that always tried her patience. Now it waslike a dash of cold water on her enthusiasm, and her face fell asshe asked quickly:

  "How do you mean, sir?""I mean that you are startin' all wrong; your redic'lus notionsabout independence and self-cultur won't come to nothin' in the longrun, and you'll make as bad a failure of your life as your motherdid of her'n.""Please, don't say that to me; I can't bear it, for I shall neverthink her life a failure, because she tried to help herself, andmarried a good man in spite of poverty, when she loved him! You callthat folly; but I'll do the same if I can; and I'd rather have whatmy father and mother left me, than all the money you are piling up,just for the pleasure of being richer than your neighbors.""Never mind, dear, he don't mean no harm!" whispered Aunt Betsey,fearing a storm.

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