Sunday, January 8, 2012

Proof Of Clairvoyance - Develop Your Own Powers!_32897

You may have wondered a little bit about the subject of clairvoyance and if it could be harnessed. Actually, if you work hard enough, it can be possible to develop your own powers of clairvoyance?

Anyone can nurture and develop their clairvoyance. You can do this by making your mind up that you want to develop your clairvoyance. Here are some easy steps you can follow.

The first step to take is to understand what exactly clairvoyance is and how it works. Such insights will allow you to take the proper steps in order to develop the skills needed to be successful at it.

Clairvoyance is a very fast instinctive knowledge of things that are not visible to to the eye. These are things that are going to happen in the future, as well as things that have already happened.

One of the ways you can develop this insight into the important of developing clairvoyance is those understanding how happy and peaceful you will be after you have developed such unique and helpful skills. This understanding is probably the first vital step towards achieving such abilities in an efficient manner.

In becoming clairvoyant, you will be more sensitive to the energies around you. If you feel uncomfortable with certain people and in certain places, you need to avoid them or they will have a negative impact on your clairvoyance development.

Of course this may not always be possible. However if you can do something to help yourself get rid of the negative energies, you will benefit from it.

Those wishing to get right into the mix and develop clairvoyant skills should immediately get rid of any negative possessions that one owns. This way, the freedom from bad vibes will eliminate any internal negativity. This will allow you to purge all negative emotion from your aura.

The next step will center of developing a solid meditation routine. That means you need to find a place you can safely and easily meditate for about 30 minutes per day. Always be consistent with this strategy and be sure you are not disturbed when doing it. This way, you can properly and easily develop these needed skills since they will be truly helpful in terms of the way they improve your life.

When you meditate regularly, and when you've gotten rid of all the negativity in your life (whether they be objects, people, feelings, etc.), you're going to be more in touch with your feelings and you'll be able to trust them more as you go. A chakra balance meditation is also going to be able to help you feel more clear and balanced, since balanced energy chakra centers are very important to becoming a clairvoyant. Chakra meditations can be done with different chakra sound frequencies, which you can find online. As you listen to these frequencies, your chakras balance themselves.

Then, there is also a popular alternative to this that centers on visualizing chakra colors and noticing their position in the body. Here are the chakra positions and associated colors:

Red; Near to the base of the spine. Orange chakra; just below the naval. Yellow chakra; just above the naval. Green chakra; center of chest. Blue chakra; throat area. Indigo; forehead. Purple; top of head.

The next step in your development of your clairvoyance is learning to follow your feelings. You may still listen and follow your mind. However, when you desire to develop your clairvoyance abilities you must pay special attention to your instinctive feelings and learn to listen and follow them.

Similar advice could be given towards following any hunches you may have. When you have a hunch about people, places, and things, you will want to follow your feelings. Developing clear confidence towards the feelings you may have regarding such sentiments.

Particularly in the early stages of your training you need to successfully communicate with your subconscious mind. You could try visiting a professional hypnotist or try listening to prerecorded hypnosis audios. This is likely to be of enormous help to get you focussed and relaxed.

Finally, you're going to learn to simply 'let go,' as you're going to become more relaxed in your body into your mind at the same time. You'll begin to trust, depends, and lean on your thoughts and feelings, so that you honor them for their wisdom and what they can tell you. It's going to take time to develop clairvoyant skills fully, but you can do this as long as you practice and as long as you start to learn to act on these feelings and intuitions.

This will take time and practice must be consistent. However, over time, this will pay dividends and yield incredible clairvoyant skill as a result.  

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