Friday, January 13, 2012

Sos- Sexual Harassment In Student Life. Who Saves Victims-_38706

Along with the bribery problem existing in contemporary world, another quite serious danger is revealed: sexual harassment. The first serious attention and discussions of this problem aroused about thirty years ago. At that time the definition of student sexual harassment was outlined from the general meaning of existing phenomenon. According to several resources student sexual harassment includes all attempts of professors to have physical contact with female (and sometimes male) students.

The existing problem

The existing problem consists in the numeral actions of harassment from the professors to the female students in exchange for good marks or positive result while exam passing. As opposed to problem of bribery in colleges which usually are not made public known,chanel watch for men, the problem of sexual harassment is strongly discussed in all possible levels. Numeral judgments and protest actions only serve as additional evidences, stressing the importance of existing problem. While bribery implies taking only money that can be earned soon, sexual harassment takes the most valuable one has: honor and moral dignity.

The reverse of the medal

However, there is another vision of causes lead such scandal and negative consequences. As the practice showed, a lot of female students provoked such actions from the professor�s side. There are known facts when in order to get good mark at the exam, female students,chanel j12 white, knowing the animal instincts of men, wore extra-short skirts or decollete blouses.

Moreover,chanel mens watches, this situation has a negative impact on the image of male professors. Being afraid of sexual harassment, female students consider all male professors to be sexual maniacs. This also causes some psychological stresses.

The way out

The only possible way out of this problem is harsh law providing strict punishment to delinquents and strict tests while applying male professors to work in college. The only advice for female students is to wear the appropriate clothes and behave in an appropriate way.

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