Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pros And Cons Of Various Occupations. Temporary Work_38701

Evaluating pros and cons of different professions and occupations, one should take into account such phenomenon, so popular nowadays, as temporary work. The present-day hard economic situation, the widely spread economic crisis partially rejects the opportunity to find a full-time job. A full-time work was always considered to be a symbol of prosperity, stability and confidence. At the mean time part-time work provides the breadth of activity and flexibility.

Pros of temporary work

Flexible schedule. This means that employee has the right to choose the time convenient for doing the necessary volume of obligations.

Interesting work all the time. As a rule, people search for the job satisfying not only their material needs, but spiritual and moral sides as well. Having temporary employment allows not to get sick and tired of everyday routine.

New experience. Working in different places with different obligations requires different skills and knowledge. Thus, a part-time worker always has the opportunity to broaden his/her own outlook.

Cons of temporary work

Short duration. It means that part-time employee has approximate information about the term of his work. Sometimes the worker can be fired much earlier because the organization where he/she works can not need anymore his/her skills.

Little benefits. Sometimes time periods between two temporal employments may be quite long that is why even the high salary while working time may seem low if is divided into non-employment time.

Psychological stress. This point means that in every society part-time worker was considered as a person defective in some ways, unable to occupy stable position in life. Moreover, personal self-criticism may cause serious psychological consequences as well.

But it does not mean people have to be afraid of temporary work. Sometimes it can bring much more pleasure than a constant one. What kind of work to choose is the personal decision only.  

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