Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Social networks saturated with criticism of Grammys for allowing Chris Brown to perform twice

After the singer’s big win and two performances at the Grammy Awards Sunday, celebrities and music fans alike have taken to social media sites like Twitter and Facebook to lambaste Brown for his history of domestic violence against ex-girlfriend, fellow singer, Rihanna.

Country singer Miranda Lambert is the most recent celebrity to publicly declare her ire for Brown.

"Twice? I don't get it. He beat on a girl ... Not cool that we act like that didn't happen. He needs to listen to Gunpowder and lead and be put back in his place. Not at the Grammys,” Lambert tweeted about Brown.

"Gun Powder and Lead" is one of Lambert’s songs about a woman preparing to confront her abusive husband.

In 2009, Brown and Rihanna got into a physical altercation before the Grammys. Brown was charged with two felonies and sentenced to five years probation and six months of community service.

Jack Osbourne, Michelle Branch and Eric Stonestreet from “Modern Family” also weighed in on Twitter.

"People don't forget! #chrisbrownbeatswomen" Jack Osbourne tweeted. "If Chris Brown had worn a wife beater, the irony would eclipse the whole show #chrisbrownbeatswomen."

Michelle Branch added: "Trying not to go off on a rant but…Chris Brown…*bites tongue* have we forgiven him? #Grammys."

Actor Wil Wheaton got right to the point.

“Everyone who apparently forgot what Chris Brown did to [Rihanna] should read the police report on exactly what he did.”

Brown responded back this week with his own vitriolic tweet.

 “HATE ALL U WANT BECUZ I GOT A GRAMMY Now! That's the ultimate F--- OFF," the singer posted to his own Twitter account.

Either Brown or his handlers decided that tweet was maybe too much, because they soon deleted it.

“Chris Brown still has both an unchecked anger management problem and a massive ego,” said Amelia McDonell Parry, the Editor-in-Chief  of the women’s website The “Despite all of this, his public comeback was essentially arranged for and celebrated by the Grammy Awards! Honestly, those who ‘hate’ on Chris Brown are only responding to and critiquing the person he has actively and unapologetically declared himself to be.”

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